My Services
These sessions will support you to heal, find clarity, and reconnect to your inner source of strength & higher guides. This is a psychic energetic journey based on astrological wisdom & my own intuition in collaboration with the spirit-world. My purpose is to purify the path from any type of blockages for you to find back to your higher awareness. A flow-state re-connected with your inner warrior where you find peace, unconditional love, courage, and strength. The energies are alive and in a consistent movement, therefore, not a single session look-a-like another.​ Feel free to write down any personal wish that you want me to focus on in the intention-field, such as “deeper guide-connection” or “past-relatives”, and I am happy to support you.
Please, feel free to read my testimonials written by past & beloved clients.
I offer my service online & live within the different fields...

This psychic healing session is a transformative journey by itself that will provide you with powerful guidance and messages from the spirit-world. In collaboration with your energy here on earth, my intuition, and the spirits and guides above, we will receive the messages and healing that is meant for you to hear at this very moment. This session will purify your energy on any low vibration or blockage that is standing in your way and thereafter, refill You with new pure highly charged energy from above. You will step out from this session with more clarity, feeling empowered, and fully connected to your inner source and divine essence.
This astrology session is a transformative journey in the universe, listening to the telling of the stars. It will provide you with information based on your own personally astrology-chart which is based on when and where you were born. I will guide you through the chart highlighting your individual superpowers as well as where you should give yourself more love in your life. You will step out from this session with more clarity, feeling empowered, and fully connected to your inner source and divine essence.
"I was reminded of who I am at the core, and inspired to achieve what I know I can become. It really felt like Amanda has known the real me my entire life..."
"After the reading, I was blown away by her ability to talk through my life journey and make sense of where I’m at and what to come.”
"My experience with you was great, I fell a special connection I cant explain. You vibrate in such a high frequency."
“Amanda provided me beautiful insight about my current situation and gave me gentle tips how to reconnect with myself and in a really warm and encouraging way"
"The whole experience just allowed me to open up and allow my future to unfold. Also just reaffirming a lot of pieces of myself that I’m really proud of."

This session will be focused on 2 0 2 5 – your year! We will step deep into each month of the year to see what energy will be present for you, and you choose in which way you want the wisdom to be delivered. Within the psychic session I will guide you through a cycle with oracle cards and with a deeper connection to your guides and the spirit-world. Within the astrological session I will guide you through the next upcoming transits and planetary shifts that 2025 has prepared for you and your personal natal chart. All sessions are 60-75min long depending on what's coming through. This is a session that you can return back to as you walk through 2025, so choose the type of session that is calling you at this time… Happy new, abundant, fabulous, marvelous, extraordinary, best ever year!